/* Informations: This file is prioritized over the configuration file in data/gmod-integration/config.json if id and token are set in this file. We don't recommend to use a static version of our addon, you should use the workshop version instead. Add Server: 0. Add the bot to your guild if it's not already done: https://gmod-integration.com/invite 1. Go to our dashboard and Login with Discord: https://gmod-integration.com/login you should be redirected to the dashboard 2. Add the bot to your guild and click on "Add to Guild" or select your guild if it's already added 3. Go to the "Servers" page and click on "Create Server" 4. Copy the ID and Token of your server and paste them in this file 5 Everything is ready, you can now restart your server To go further, you can check the documentation: https://docs.gmod-integration.com */ // API Connection gmInte.config.id = "" // Server ID gmInte.config.token = "" // Server Token gmInte.config.websocketFQDN = "ws.gmod-integration.com" // The FQDN of the websocket server gmInte.config.apiFQDN = "api.gmod-integration.com" // The FQDN of the API server // Punishment gmInte.config.syncBan = true // If true, the addon will sync gmod bans with discord bans (and vice versa) gmInte.config.syncTimeout = false // If true, the addon will sync gmod timeouts with discord timeouts (and vice versa) gmInte.config.syncKick = false // If true, the addon will sync gmod kicks with discord kicks (and vice versa) // Ban gmInte.config.filterOnBan = true // If true, the addon will filter the players according to their ban status // Materials gmInte.config.redownloadMaterials = false // If true, the addon will redownload the materials of the addon (useful if you have a problem with the materials) // Debug & Development gmInte.config.debug = false // If true, the addon will show debug informations in the console// Other // Other gmInte.config.forcePlayerLink = false // If true, the addon will force the players to link their discord account to their steam account before playing gmInte.config.supportLink = "" // The link of your support (shown when a player do not have the requiments to join the server) gmInte.config.maintenance = false // If true, the addon will only allow the players with the "gmod-integration.maintenance" permission to join the server gmInte.config.adminRank = { ["superadmin"] = true, }