diff --git a/lua/gmod_integration/sv_config.lua b/lua/gmod_integration/sv_config.lua index 37660f9..47b4688 100644 --- a/lua/gmod_integration/sv_config.lua +++ b/lua/gmod_integration/sv_config.lua @@ -30,8 +30,10 @@ gmInte.config.token = "" // Server Token // Chat gmInte.config.chatTriggerAll = false // If true, the addon will sync all the messages in the chat gmInte.config.chatTrigger = { - ["// "] = true, -} // If chatTriggerAll is false, the addon will sync the messages that start with one of the following triggers + -- ["/gm_exemple "] = "Exemple Prefix ", + ["// "] = "", + ["/occ"] = "Out of Character :" +} // Trigger to sync the messages in the chat (need to be enabled on the dashboard) (the key is the trigger and the value is the replacement) // Other gmInte.config.forcePlayerLink = false // If true, the addon will force the players to link their discord account to their steam account before playing