Feat: add a cool screenshot effect

This commit is contained in:
Linventif 2024-08-16 20:45:44 +00:00
parent cd294bebd9
commit aaec710197

View File

@ -41,8 +41,29 @@ local Fields = {
local ScreenshotRequested = false
local contextMenuOpen = false
hook.Add("OnContextMenuOpen", "gmInte:BugReport:ContextMenu:Open", function() contextMenuOpen = true end)
hook.Add("OnContextMenuClose", "gmInte:BugReport:ContextMenu:Close", function() contextMenuOpen = false end)
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "gmInte:BugReport:Screenshot", function()
if !ScreenshotRequested then return end
if !contextMenuOpen then return end
surface.SetDrawColor(230, 230, 230)
surface.DrawRect(0, 0, ScrW(), 3)
surface.DrawRect(0, 0, 3, ScrH())
surface.DrawRect(ScrW() - 3, 0, 3, ScrH())
surface.DrawRect(0, ScrH() - 3, ScrW(), 3)
surface.DrawRect(ScrW() / 2 - 10, ScrH() / 2 - 1, 20, 2)
surface.DrawRect(ScrW() / 2 - 1, ScrH() / 2 - 10, 2, 20)
surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0, 50)
surface.DrawRect(0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH())
draw.SimpleText(gmInte.getTranslation("report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture", "Close the context menu to take the screenshot to use in the bug report."), "Trebuchet24", ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 40, Color(255, 255, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
local screenCapture = nil
local screenFileID = nil
hook.Add("PostRender", "gmInte:BugReport:Screenshot", function()
if !ScreenshotRequested then return end
if contextMenuOpen then return end
ScreenshotRequested = false
local captureData = {
format = "jpeg",
@ -53,29 +74,12 @@ hook.Add("PostRender", "gmInte:BugReport:Screenshot", function()
quality = 95,
local screenCapture = render.Capture(captureData)
if screenCapture then file.Write("gmod_integration/report_bug_screenshot.jpeg", screenCapture) end
screenCapture = render.Capture(captureData)
if !file.Exists("gmod_integration/report_bug", "DATA") then file.CreateDir("gmod_integration/report_bug") end
if screenCapture then file.Write("gmod_integration/report_bug/" .. screenFileID .. ".jpeg", screenCapture) end
function gmInte.openReportBug()
// notification.AddLegacy(gmInte.getTranslation("report_bug.info", "Please wait few seconds to take a screenshot"), NOTIFY_GENERIC, 5)
// ScreenshotRequested = true
// // wait the screenshot to be taken
// local try = 0
// local screenFailed = false
// timer.Create("gmInte:BugReport:Screenshot", 0.5, 0, function()
// if !file.Exists("gmod_integration/report_bug_screenshot.jpeg", "DATA") then
// try = try + 1
// if try >= 3 then
// notification.AddLegacy(gmInte.getTranslation("report_bug.error.failed_screenshot", "Failed to take screenshot, retry later"), NOTIFY_ERROR, 5)
// timer.Remove("gmInte:BugReport:Screenshot")
// screenFailed = true
// end
// return
// end
// timer.Remove("gmInte:BugReport:Screenshot")
// gmInte.openReportBugFrame()
// end)
local function openReportBug()
local frame = vgui.Create("DFrame")
frame:SetSize(500, (700 / 1080) * ScrH())
@ -108,10 +112,12 @@ function gmInte.openReportBug()
if field.type == "image" then
if !screenCapture then continue end
if !file.Exists("gmod_integration/report_bug/" .. screenFileID .. ".jpeg", "DATA") then continue end
local image = vgui.Create("DImage", dPanel)
image:DockMargin(5, 5, 5, 5)
image:SetImage("data/gmod_integration/report_bug/" .. screenFileID .. ".jpeg")
image:SetSize(frame:GetWide() - 10, (frame:GetWide() - 10) * (9 / 16))
elseif field.type == "text" then
local text = vgui.Create("DTextEntry", dPanel)
@ -187,5 +193,18 @@ function gmInte.openReportBug()
function gmInte.openReportBug()
if ScreenshotRequested then return end
local timerName = "gmInte:BugReport:Screenshot:Open"
ScreenshotRequested = true
screenCapture = nil
screenFileID = gmInte.config.id .. "-" .. util.CRC(LocalPlayer():SteamID64() .. "-" .. tostring(os.time())) .. "-" .. tostring(os.time())
timer.Create(timerName, 0.2, 0, function()
if contextMenuOpen then return end
timer.Simple(0.5, openReportBug)
concommand.Add("gmi_report_bug", gmInte.openReportBug)
concommand.Add("gmod_integration_report_bug", gmInte.openReportBug)