diff --git a/lua/gmod_integration/client/cl_context_menu.lua b/lua/gmod_integration/client/cl_context_menu.lua
index f08fce5..434a8c5 100644
--- a/lua/gmod_integration/client/cl_context_menu.lua
+++ b/lua/gmod_integration/client/cl_context_menu.lua
@@ -8,4 +8,16 @@ list.Set("DesktopWindows", "GmodIntegration:DesktopWindows", {
+list.Set("DesktopWindows", "GmodIntegration:DesktopWindows:ReportBug", {
+    icon = "gmod_integration/logo_context_report.png",
+    title = "Report Bug",
+    width = 960,
+    height = 700,
+    onewindow = true,
+    init = function(icon, window)
+        window:Close()
+        gmInte.openReportBug()
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lua/gmod_integration/client/cl_report_bug.lua b/lua/gmod_integration/client/cl_report_bug.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74dfd89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/gmod_integration/client/cl_report_bug.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+// format: multiline
+local Fields = {
+  {
+    ["title"] = "Screenshot",
+    ["type"] = "image",
+  },
+  {
+    ["title"] = "Description",
+    ["type"] = "text",
+    ["tall"] = 80,
+  },
+  {
+    ["title"] = "Importance Level",
+    ["type"] = "dropdown",
+    ["options"] = {
+      "Critical - Crash or made the game unplayable.",
+      "High - Critical functionality is unusable.",
+      "Medium - Important functionality is unusable.",
+      "Low - Cosmetic issue.",
+      "Trivial - Very minor issue.",
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    ["title"] = "Steps to Reproduce",
+    ["type"] = "text",
+    ["tall"] = 80,
+  },
+  {
+    ["title"] = "Expected result",
+    ["type"] = "text",
+    ["tall"] = 50,
+  },
+  {
+    ["title"] = "Actual result",
+    ["type"] = "text",
+    ["tall"] = 50,
+  },
+function gmInte.openReportBug()
+  local captureData = {
+    format = "jpeg",
+    x = 0,
+    y = 0,
+    w = ScrW(),
+    h = ScrH(),
+    quality = 95,
+  }
+  local screenCapture = render.Capture(captureData)
+  if screenCapture then file.Write("gmod_integration/report_bug_screenshot.jpeg", screenCapture) end
+  local frame = vgui.Create("DFrame")
+  frame:SetSize(500, (700 / 1080) * ScrH())
+  frame:Center()
+  frame:SetTitle("Report Bug")
+  frame:MakePopup()
+  gmInte.applyPaint(frame)
+  // bug report = screenshot, description, steps to reproduce, expected result, actual result
+  local dPanel = vgui.Create("DScrollPanel", frame)
+  dPanel:Dock(FILL)
+  gmInte.applyPaint(dPanel)
+  local elements = {}
+  for _ = 1, #Fields do
+    local field = Fields[_]
+    if field.type == "image" && !screenCapture then continue end
+    local label = vgui.Create("DLabel", dPanel)
+    label:Dock(TOP)
+    label:DockMargin(5, 5, 5, 5)
+    label:SetText(field.title)
+    if field.type == "image" then
+      local image = vgui.Create("DImage", dPanel)
+      image:Dock(TOP)
+      image:DockMargin(5, 5, 5, 5)
+      image:SetImage("data/gmod_integration/report_bug_screenshot.jpeg")
+      image:SetSize(frame:GetWide() - 10, (frame:GetWide() - 10) * (9 / 16))
+    elseif field.type == "text" then
+      local text = vgui.Create("DTextEntry", dPanel)
+      text:Dock(TOP)
+      text:DockMargin(5, 5, 5, 5)
+      text:SetMultiline(true)
+      text:SetTall(field.tall || 40)
+      text:SetPlaceholderText("Explain the bug you encountered, be as precise as possible.")
+      gmInte.applyPaint(text)
+      table.insert(elements, text)
+    elseif field.type == "dropdown" then
+      local dropdown = vgui.Create("DComboBox", dPanel)
+      dropdown:Dock(TOP)
+      dropdown:DockMargin(5, 5, 5, 5)
+      dropdown:SetValue("Select Importance Level")
+      for i = 1, #field.options do
+        dropdown:AddChoice(field.options[i])
+      end
+      dropdown:SetSortItems(false)
+      gmInte.applyPaint(dropdown)
+      table.insert(elements, dropdown)
+    end
+  end
+  local buttonGrid = vgui.Create("DGrid", frame)
+  buttonGrid:Dock(BOTTOM)
+  buttonGrid:DockMargin(5, 10, 5, 5)
+  buttonGrid:SetCols(2)
+  buttonGrid:SetColWide(frame:GetWide() - 10)
+  buttonGrid:SetRowHeight(35)
+  local button = vgui.Create("DButton")
+  button:SetText("Send Report")
+  button:SetSize(buttonGrid:GetColWide() - 10, buttonGrid:GetRowHeight())
+  gmInte.applyPaint(button)
+  buttonGrid:AddItem(button)
+  button.DoClick = function()
+    // all fields are required and > 60 characters
+    for _, element in ipairs(elements) do
+      if element:GetText() == "" then
+        notification.AddLegacy("All fields are required", NOTIFY_ERROR, 5)
+        return
+      end
+    end
+    local screenData = {}
+    if screenCapture then
+      local base64Capture = util.Base64Encode(screenCapture)
+      local size = math.Round(string.len(base64Capture) / 1024)
+      screenData = {
+        ["screenshot"] = base64Capture,
+        ["captureData"] = captureData,
+        ["size"] = size .. "KB"
+      }
+    end
+    gmInte.http.post("/clients/:steamID64/servers/:serverID/bugs", {
+      ["player"] = gmInte.getPlayerFormat(LocalPlayer()),
+      ["screenshot"] = screenData,
+      ["description"] = elements[1]:GetText(),
+      ["importance"] = elements[2]:GetValue(),
+      ["steps"] = elements[3]:GetText(),
+      ["expected"] = elements[4]:GetText(),
+      ["actual"] = elements[5]:GetText(),
+    }, function()
+      notification.AddLegacy("Bug report sent to Discord", NOTIFY_GENERIC, 5)
+      frame:Close()
+    end, function() notification.AddLegacy("Failed to send bug report retry later", NOTIFY_ERROR, 5) end)
+  end
+concommand.Add("gmi_report_bug", gmInte.openReportBug)
+concommand.Add("gmod_integration_report_bug", gmInte.openReportBug)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/materials/gmod_integration/logo_context_report.png b/materials/gmod_integration/logo_context_report.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4cdfba
Binary files /dev/null and b/materials/gmod_integration/logo_context_report.png differ