mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 01:57:34 +00:00
Fix: update to new language
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ list.Set("DesktopWindows", "GmodIntegration:DesktopWindows", {
local report_bug_title = language.GetPhrase("gmod_integration.report_bug.title")
report_bug_title = report_bug_title == "gmod_integration.report_bug.title" && "Report Bug" || report_bug_title
list.Set("DesktopWindows", "GmodIntegration:DesktopWindows:ReportBug", {
icon = "gmod_integration/logo_context_report.png",
title = report_bug_title,
title = "Report Bug",
width = 960,
height = 700,
onewindow = true,
@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ list.Set("DesktopWindows", "GmodIntegration:DesktopWindows:ReportBug", {
list.Set("DesktopWindows", "GmodIntegration:DesktopWindows:SendScreen", {
icon = "gmod_integration/logo_context_screen.png",
title = "Dsc Screen",
title = "Screenshot",
width = 960,
height = 700,
onewindow = true,
@ -4,128 +4,6 @@ local function saveConfig(setting, value)
local configCat = {"Authentication", "Main", "Trust & Safety", "Advanced",}
local possibleConfig = {
["id"] = "id",
["label"] = "Server ID",
["description"] = "Server ID found on the webpanel.",
["type"] = "textEntry",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, value) end,
["onEditDelay"] = 0.5,
["category"] = "Authentication"
["id"] = "token",
["label"] = "Server Token",
["description"] = "Server Token found on the webpanel.",
["type"] = "textEntry",
["secret"] = true,
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, value) end,
["onEditDelay"] = 0.5,
["category"] = "Authentication"
["id"] = "maintenance",
["label"] = "Maintenance",
["description"] = "Activate or deactivate maintenance mode.",
["type"] = "checkbox",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, value == "Enabled" && true || false) end,
["category"] = "Main"
["id"] = "filterOnBan",
["label"] = "Block Discord Ban Player",
["description"] = "Block players banned on the discord server.",
["type"] = "checkbox",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, value == "Enabled" && true || false) end,
["category"] = "Trust & Safety"
["id"] = "forcePlayerLink",
["label"] = "Force Player Verif",
["description"] = "Sync chat between the server and the discord server.",
["type"] = "checkbox",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, value == "Enabled" && true || false) end,
["category"] = "Main"
["id"] = "supportLink",
["label"] = "Support Link",
["description"] = "Server ID found on the webpanel.",
["type"] = "textEntry",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, value) end,
["onEditDelay"] = 0.5,
["category"] = "Trust & Safety"
["id"] = "debug",
["label"] = "Debug",
["description"] = "Activate or deactivate debug mode.",
["type"] = "checkbox",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["position"] = 1,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, value == "Enabled" && true || false) end,
["category"] = "Advanced"
["id"] = "websocketFQDN",
["label"] = "Websocket FQDN",
["description"] = "Websocket FQDN that will be used for the Websocket connection.",
["type"] = "textEntry",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["resetIfEmpty"] = true,
["defaultValue"] = "ws.gmod-integration.com",
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value)
if !value || value == "" then return end
saveConfig(setting, value)
["onEditDelay"] = 0.5,
["category"] = "Advanced"
["id"] = "apiFQDN",
["label"] = "API FQDN",
["description"] = "API FQDN that will be used for the API connection.",
["type"] = "textEntry",
["resetIfEmpty"] = true,
["defaultValue"] = "api.gmod-integration.com",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value)
if !value || value == "" then return end
saveConfig(setting, value)
["onEditDelay"] = 0.5,
["category"] = "Advanced"
local buttonsInfo = {
["label"] = "Open Webpanel",
["func"] = function() gui.OpenURL("https://gmod-integration.com/dashboard/guilds") end,
["label"] = "Test Connection",
["func"] = function() gmInte.SendNet("testConnection") end,
["label"] = "Buy Premium",
["func"] = function() gui.OpenURL("https://gmod-integration.com/premium") end,
["label"] = "Install Websocket",
["condition"] = function(data) return !data.websocket end,
["func"] = function() gui.OpenURL("https://github.com/FredyH/GWSockets/releases") end,
local colorTable = {
["text"] = Color(255, 255, 255, 255),
["background"] = Color(0, 0, 0, 200),
@ -139,7 +17,7 @@ function gmInte.needRestart()
local frame = vgui.Create("DFrame")
frame:SetSize(400, 120)
frame:SetTitle(gmInte.getFrameName("Restart Required"))
frame:SetTitle(gmInte.getFrameName(gmInte.getTranslation("admin.restart_required", "Restart Required")))
@ -151,7 +29,7 @@ function gmInte.needRestart()
messagePanel:SetBackgroundColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
local messageLabel = vgui.Create("DLabel", messagePanel)
messageLabel:SetText("Some changes require a restart to be applied.\nRestart now ?")
messageLabel:SetText(gmInte.getTranslation("admin.restart_required_description", "Some changes require a restart to be applied.\nRestart now ?"))
local buttonGrid = vgui.Create("DGrid", frame)
@ -161,7 +39,7 @@ function gmInte.needRestart()
buttonGrid:SetColWide(frame:GetWide() / 2 - 5)
local button = vgui.Create("DButton")
button:SetText(gmInte.getTranslation("admin.restart", "Restart"))
button.DoClick = function()
@ -171,7 +49,7 @@ function gmInte.needRestart()
local button = vgui.Create("DButton")
button:SetText("Maybe Later")
button:SetText(gmInte.getTranslation("admin.maybe_later", "Maybe Later"))
button.DoClick = function() frame:Close() end
button:SetSize(buttonGrid:GetColWide() - 10, buttonGrid:GetRowHeight())
@ -179,13 +57,154 @@ function gmInte.needRestart()
function gmInte.openConfigMenu(data)
local configCat = {gmInte.getTranslation("admin.authentication", "Authentication"), gmInte.getTranslation("admin.main", "Main"), gmInte.getTranslation("admin.trust_safety", "Trust & Safety"), gmInte.getTranslation("admin.advanced", "Advanced")}
local possibleConfig = {
["id"] = "id",
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.server_id", "Server ID"),
["description"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.server_id_description", "Server ID found on the webpanel."),
["type"] = "textEntry",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, value) end,
["onEditDelay"] = 0.5,
["category"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.authentication", "Authentication")
["id"] = "token",
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.server_token", "Server Token"),
["description"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.server_token_description", "Server Token found on the webpanel."),
["type"] = "textEntry",
["secret"] = true,
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, value) end,
["onEditDelay"] = 0.5,
["category"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.authentication", "Authentication")
["id"] = "maintenance",
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.maintenance", "Maintenance"),
["description"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.maintenance_description", "Activate or deactivate maintenance mode."),
["type"] = "checkbox",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, gmInte.getTranslation("admin.enabled", "Enabled") && true || false) end,
["category"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.main", "Main")
["id"] = "language",
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.language", "Language"),
["description"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.language_description", "Language used in the interface."),
["type"] = "combo",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, value) end,
["reloadOnEdit"] = true,
["category"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.main", "Main"),
["values"] = {
["en"] = "English",
["fr"] = "Français",
["de"] = "Deutsch",
["es"] = "Español",
["it"] = "Italiano",
["ru"] = "Русский",
["tr"] = "Türkçe",
["id"] = "filterOnBan",
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.filter_on_ban", "Block Discord Ban Player"),
["description"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.filter_on_ban_description", "Block players banned on the discord server."),
["type"] = "checkbox",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, gmInte.getTranslation("admin.enabled", "Enabled") && true || false) end,
["category"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.trust_safety", "Trust & Safety")
["id"] = "forcePlayerLink",
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.force_player_link", "Force Player Verif"),
["description"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.force_player_link_description", "Force player verification."),
["type"] = "checkbox",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, gmInte.getTranslation("admin.enabled", "Enabled") && true || false) end,
["category"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.main", "Main")
["id"] = "supportLink",
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.support_link", "Support Link"),
["description"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.support_link_description", "Support Link found on the webpanel."),
["type"] = "textEntry",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, value) end,
["onEditDelay"] = 0.5,
["category"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.trust_safety", "Trust & Safety")
["id"] = "debug",
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.debug", "Debug"),
["description"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.debug_description", "Activate or deactivate debug mode."),
["type"] = "checkbox",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["position"] = 1,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value) saveConfig(setting, value == gmInte.getTranslation("admin.enabled", "Enabled") && true || false) end,
["category"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.advanced", "Advanced")
["id"] = "websocketFQDN",
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.websocket_fqdn", "Websocket FQDN"),
["description"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.websocket_fqdn_description", "Websocket FQDN that will be used for the Websocket connection."),
["type"] = "textEntry",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["resetIfEmpty"] = true,
["defaultValue"] = "ws.gmod-integration.com",
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value)
if !value || value == "" then return end
saveConfig(setting, value)
["onEditDelay"] = 0.5,
["category"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.advanced", "Advanced")
["id"] = "apiFQDN",
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.api_fqdn", "API FQDN"),
["description"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.api_fqdn_description", "API FQDN that will be used for the API connection."),
["type"] = "textEntry",
["resetIfEmpty"] = true,
["defaultValue"] = "api.gmod-integration.com",
["value"] = function(setting, value) return value end,
["onEdit"] = function(setting, value)
if !value || value == "" then return end
saveConfig(setting, value)
["onEditDelay"] = 0.5,
["category"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.advanced", "Advanced")
local buttonsInfo = {
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.link.open_webpanel", "Open Webpanel"),
["func"] = function() gui.OpenURL("https://gmod-integration.com/dashboard/guilds") end,
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.link.test_connection", "Test Connection"),
["func"] = function() gmInte.SendNet("testConnection") end,
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.link.buy_premium", "Buy Premium"),
["func"] = function() gui.OpenURL("https://gmod-integration.com/premium") end,
["label"] = gmInte.getTranslation("admin.link.install_websocket", "Install Websocket"),
["condition"] = function(data) return !data.websocket end,
["func"] = function() gui.OpenURL("https://github.com/FredyH/GWSockets/releases") end,
local needRestart = false
if gmInte.openAdminPanel then return end
gmInte.openAdminPanel = true
local frame = vgui.Create("DFrame")
frame:SetSize(400, (600 / 1080) * ScrH())
frame:SetTitle(gmInte.getFrameName("Server Config"))
frame:SetTitle(gmInte.getFrameName(gmInte.getTranslation("admin.server_config", "Server Config")))
@ -199,14 +218,14 @@ function gmInte.openConfigMenu(data)
messagePanel:SetBackgroundColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
local messageLabel = vgui.Create("DLabel", messagePanel)
messageLabel:SetText("Here you can configure your server settings.\nServer ID and Token are available on the webpanel in the server settings.\nThe documentation is available at https://docs.gmod-integration.com/\nIf you need help, please contact us on our discord server.")
messageLabel:SetText(gmInte.getTranslation("admin.server_id_description", "Here you can configure your server settings.\nServer ID and Token are available on the webpanel in the server settings.\nThe documentation is available at {1}\nIf you need help, please contact us on our discord server.", "https://docs.gmod-integration.com"))
for k, catName in ipairs(configCat) do
local collapsibleCategory = vgui.Create("DCollapsibleCategory", scrollPanel)
collapsibleCategory:DockMargin(10, 0, 10, 10)
collapsibleCategory:SetExpanded(catName != "Advanced")
collapsibleCategory:SetExpanded(catName != gmInte.getTranslation("admin.advanced", "Advanced"))
local configList = vgui.Create("DPanelList", collapsibleCategory)
@ -236,13 +255,13 @@ function gmInte.openConfigMenu(data)
input = vgui.Create("DTextEntry", panel)
local value = actualConfig.value(actualConfig.id, data[actualConfig.id] || "")
if actualConfig.secret then
input:SetText("*** Click to show ***")
input:SetText(gmInte.getTranslation("admin.click_to_show", "*** Click to show ***"))
input.OnGetFocus = function(self) if actualConfig.secret then self:SetText(value) end end
input.OnLoseFocus = function(self) if actualConfig.secret then self:SetText("*** Click to show ***") end end
input.OnLoseFocus = function(self) if actualConfig.secret then self:SetText(gmInte.getTranslation("admin.click_to_show", "*** Click to show ***")) end end
local isLastID = 0
input.OnChange = function(self)
if actualConfig.resetIfEmpty && self:GetValue() == "" && actualConfig.defaultValue then
@ -259,18 +278,36 @@ function gmInte.openConfigMenu(data)
if actualConfig.condition && !actualConfig.condition(data) then input:SetEnabled(false) end
input:SetText(actualConfig.value(actualConfig.id, data[actualConfig.id]) && "Enabled" || "Disabled")
input:SetText(actualConfig.value(actualConfig.id, data[actualConfig.id]) && gmInte.getTranslation("admin.enabled", "Enabled") || gmInte.getTranslation("admin.disabled", "Disabled"))
input.OnSelect = function(self, index, value)
if actualConfig.restart then needRestart = true end
actualConfig.onEdit(actualConfig.id, value)
elseif actualConfig.type == "combo" then
input = vgui.Create("DComboBox", panel)
if actualConfig.condition && !actualConfig.condition(data) then input:SetEnabled(false) end
local posibilities = {}
for k, v in pairs(actualConfig.values) do
table.insert(posibilities, k)
input:AddChoice(v, k)
input:SetText(actualConfig.values[data[actualConfig.id]] || actualConfig.values[actualConfig.defaultValue])
input.OnSelect = function(self, index, value)
if actualConfig.restart then needRestart = true end
actualConfig.onEdit(actualConfig.id, posibilities[index])
if actualConfig.reloadOnEdit then
input:SetSize(150, 25)
if actualConfig.description then
if actualConfig.websocket && !data.websocket then actualConfig.description = actualConfig.description .. "\n\nThis feature require a websocket connection to work properly." end
if actualConfig.disable then actualConfig.description = actualConfig.description .. "\n\nThis feature will be available soon." end
if actualConfig.websocket && !data.websocket then actualConfig.description = actualConfig.description .. gmInte.getTranslation("admin.websocket_required", "\n\nThis feature require a websocket connection to work properly.") end
if actualConfig.disable then actualConfig.description = actualConfig.description .. gmInte.getTranslation("admin.feature_soon", "\n\nThis feature will be available soon.") end
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ function gmInte.openVerifPopup()
local frame = vgui.Create("DFrame")
frame:SetSize(400, 200)
frame:SetTitle("Gmod Integration - Verification Required")
frame:SetTitle("Gmod Integration - " .. gmInte.getTranslation("verification.title", "Verification Required"))
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function gmInte.openVerifPopup()
local messageLabel = vgui.Create("DLabel", frame)
messageLabel:DockMargin(10, 0, 10, 0)
messageLabel:SetText("Hey,\nIt looks like you haven't linked your Steam account to Discord yet. This is required to play on this server. Please click the button below to link your account.\n\nAfter you've done that, click the refresh button.")
messageLabel:SetText(gmInte.getTranslation("verification.description", "Hey,\nIt looks like you haven't linked your Steam account to Discord yet. This is required to play on this server. Please click the button below to link your account.\n\nAfter you've done that, click the refresh button."))
@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ function gmInte.openVerifPopup()
buttonGrid:SetColWide(frame:GetWide() / 2 - 10)
local button = vgui.Create("DButton")
button:SetText("Open Verification Page")
button:SetText(gmInte.getTranslation("verification.open_page", "Open Verification Page"))
button.DoClick = function() gui.OpenURL("https://gmod-integration.com/account") end
button:SetSize(buttonGrid:GetColWide() - 10, buttonGrid:GetRowHeight())
local button = vgui.Create("DButton")
button:SetText("Refresh Verification")
button:SetText(gmInte.getTranslation("verification.refresh", "Refresh Verification"))
button.DoClick = function()
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ hook.Add("InitPostEntity", "gmInte:Ply:Ready", function() gmInte.SendNet("ready"
hook.Add("OnPlayerChat", "gmInte:OnPlayerChat:AdminCmd", function(ply, strText, bTeamOnly, bPlayerIsDead)
if ply != LocalPlayer() then return end
strText = string.lower(strText)
if strText == "/gmi" then
if strText == "/gmi" || strText == "!gmi" then
return true
@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
function gmInte.getTranslation(key, default, ...)
key = "gmod_integration." .. key
local translation = language.GetPhrase(key)
if translation == key then translation = default end
if ... then
for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
translation = string.Replace(translation, "{" .. i .. "}", select(i, ...))
return translation
function gmInte.chatAddText(...)
local args = {...}
table.insert(args, 1, Color(255, 130, 92))
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ local netReceive = {
[5] = function(data)
gmInte.config = table.Merge(gmInte.config, data.config)
gmInte.version = data.other.version
if !data.other.aprovedCredentials then RunConsoleCommand("gmod_integration_admin") end
[6] = function(data) gmInte.chatAddTextFromTable(data) end,
@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
local function filterMessage(reason)
// format: multiline
local Message = {
"You cannot join this server",
"Reason: " .. (reason && reason || "none"),
"Help URL: " .. (gmInte.config.supportLink && gmInte.config.supportLink || "none"),
"Have a nice day",
"Service provided by Gmod Integration",
local Message = {}
Message[1] = "----------------------------------------"
Message[2] = gmInte.getTranslation("filter.ds.1", "You cannot join this server")
Message[3] = ""
Message[4] = gmInte.getTranslation("filter.ds.2", "Reason: {1}", reason && reason || gmInte.getTranslation("filter.none", "none"))
Message[5] = gmInte.getTranslation("filter.ds.3", "Help URL: {1}", gmInte.config.supportLink && gmInte.config.supportLink || gmInte.getTranslation("filter.none", "none"))
Message[6] = ""
Message[7] = gmInte.getTranslation("filter.ds.4", "Have a nice day")
Message[8] = "----------------------------------------"
Message[9] = gmInte.getTranslation("filter.ds.5", "Service provided by Gmod Integration")
for k, v in ipairs(Message) do
Message[k] = "\n" .. v
@ -31,9 +28,9 @@ end
local function checkPlayerFilter(code, body, data)
if !body then return end
if data.rank && gmInte.config.adminRank[data.rank] then return end
if gmInte.config.maintenance && !body.bypassMaintenance && !body.discordAdmin then game.KickID(data.networkid, filterMessage("The server is currently under maintenance and you are not whitelisted.")) end
if !checkBanStatus(body.ban) then game.KickID(data.networkid, filterMessage("You are banned from this server.")) end
if !checkDiscordBanStatus(body.discord_ban) then game.KickID(data.networkid, filterMessage("You are banned from our discord server.")) end
if gmInte.config.maintenance && !body.bypassMaintenance && !body.discordAdmin then game.KickID(data.networkid, filterMessage(gmInte.getTranslation("filter.maintenance", "The server is currently under maintenance and you are not whitelisted."))) end
if !checkBanStatus(body.ban) then game.KickID(data.networkid, filterMessage(gmInte.getTranslation("filter.ban", "You are banned from this server."))) end
if !checkDiscordBanStatus(body.discord_ban) then game.KickID(data.networkid, filterMessage(gmInte.getTranslation("filter.discord_ban", "You are banned from our discord server."))) end
local cachePlayerFilter = {}
@ -54,7 +51,7 @@ local function playerFilter(data)
checkPlayerFilter(code, body, data)
end, function(code, body) if gmInte.config.maintenance then game.KickID(data.networkid, filterMessage("The server is currently under maintenance and we cannot verify your account.\nVerification URL: https://verif.gmod-integration.com")) end end)
end, function(code, body) if gmInte.config.maintenance then game.KickID(data.networkid, filterMessage(gmInte.getTranslation("filter.maintenance", "The server is currently under maintenance and you are not whitelisted."))) end end)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ function gmInte.verifyPlayer(ply)
if ply:gmIntIsVerified() then
gmInte.SendNet("chatColorMessage", {
[1] = {
["text"] = "You have been verified",
["text"] = gmInte.getTranslation("verification.success", "You have been verified"),
["color"] = Color(255, 255, 255)
}, ply)
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function gmInte.verifyPlayer(ply)
gmInte.SendNet("chatColorMessage", {
[1] = {
["text"] = "Failed to verify you",
["text"] = gmInte.getTranslation("verification.fail", "Failed to verify you"),
["color"] = Color(255, 0, 0)
}, ply)
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ function gmInte.verifyPlayer(ply)
gmInte.SendNet("chatColorMessage", {
[1] = {
["text"] = "This server requires you to link your Discord account to play",
["text"] = gmInte.getTranslation("verification.link_require", "This server requires you to link your Discord account to play"),
["color"] = Color(255, 0, 0)
}, ply)
@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ function gmInte.saveSetting(setting, value)
if setting == "language" && !file.Exists("gmod_integration/shared/languages/sh_" .. lang .. ".json", "LUA") then
gmInte.log("Unknown Language")
// Boolean
if value == "true" then value = true end
if value == "false" then value = false end
@ -12,7 +17,8 @@ function gmInte.saveSetting(setting, value)
gmInte.config[setting] = value
file.Write("gm_integration/config.json", util.TableToJSON(gmInte.config, true))
gmInte.log("Setting Saved")
if value == "websocketFQDN" || value == "id" || value == "token" then gmInte.resetWebSocket() end
if setting == "websocketFQDN" || setting == "id" || setting == "token" then gmInte.resetWebSocket() end
if setting == "language" then gmInte.loadTranslations() end
// send to all players the new public config
for _, ply in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do
if ply:IsValid() && ply:IsPlayer(ply) then
@ -56,7 +62,8 @@ function gmInte.publicGetConfig(ply)
["debug"] = gmInte.config.debug,
["apiFQDN"] = gmInte.config.apiFQDN,
["websocketFQDN"] = gmInte.config.websocketFQDN,
["adminRank"] = gmInte.config.adminRank
["adminRank"] = gmInte.config.adminRank,
["language"] = gmInte.config.language
["other"] = {
["aprovedCredentials"] = gmInte.aprovedCredentials,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
return {
["verification.title"] = "Verificatie Vereist",
["verification.open_page"] = "Open Verificatie Pagina",
["verification.description"] = "Hey,\nHet lijkt erop dat je je Steam-account nog niet hebt gekoppeld aan Discord. Dit is vereist om op deze server te spelen. Klik op de onderstaande knop om je account te koppelen.\n\nNadat je dat hebt gedaan, klik je op de vernieuwingsknop.",
["verification.refresh"] = "Vernieuw Verificatie",
["verification.success"] = "Je bent geverifieerd",
["verification.fail"] = "Verificatie mislukt",
["verification.link_require"] = "Deze server vereist dat je je Discord-account koppelt om te spelen",
["admin.restart_required"] = "Herstart Vereist",
["admin.restart_required_description"] = "Sommige wijzigingen vereisen een herstart om toegepast te worden.\nNu herstarten?",
["admin.restart"] = "Herstart",
["admin.maybe_later"] = "Misschien Later",
["admin.authentication"] = "Authenticatie",
["admin.main"] = "Hoofd",
["admin.trust_safety"] = "Vertrouwen & Veiligheid",
["admin.advanced"] = "Geavanceerd",
["admin.server_id"] = "Server ID",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "Server ID gevonden op het webpaneel.",
["admin.link.open_webpanel"] = "Open Webpaneel",
["admin.link.test_connection"] = "Test Verbinding",
["admin.link.buy_premium"] = "Koop Premium",
["admin.link.install_websocket"] = "Installeer Websocket",
["admin.websocket_required"] = "\n\nDeze functie vereist een websocket-verbinding om correct te werken.",
["admin.feature_soon"] = "\n\nDeze functie zal binnenkort beschikbaar zijn.",
["admin.enabled"] = "Ingeschakeld",
["admin.disabled"] = "Uitgeschakeld",
["admin.click_to_show"] = "*** Klik om te tonen ***",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "Hier kun je je serverinstellingen configureren.\nServer ID en Token zijn beschikbaar op het webpaneel in de serverinstellingen.\nDe documentatie is beschikbaar op {1}\nAls je hulp nodig hebt, neem dan contact met ons op via onze discord-server.",
["admin.server_config"] = "Server Configuratie",
["admin.server_token"] = "Server Token",
["admin.server_token_description"] = "Server Token gevonden op het webpaneel.",
["admin.filter_on_ban"] = "Blokkeer Discord Verbannen Speler",
["admin.filter_on_ban_description"] = "Blokkeer spelers die verbannen zijn op de Discord-server.",
["admin.force_player_link"] = "Forceer Speler Verificatie",
["admin.force_player_link_description"] = "Forceer speler verificatie.",
["admin.language"] = "Taal",
["admin.language_description"] = "Taal die wordt gebruikt in de interface.",
["admin.maintenance"] = "Onderhoud",
["admin.maintenance_description"] = "Activeer of deactiveer de onderhoudsmodus.",
["admin.api_fqdn"] = "API FQDN",
["admin.api_fqdn_description"] = "API FQDN die zal worden gebruikt voor de API-verbinding.",
["admin.websocket_fqdn"] = "Websocket FQDN",
["admin.websocket_fqdn_description"] = "Websocket FQDN die zal worden gebruikt voor de Websocket-verbinding.",
["admin.debug"] = "Debug",
["admin.debug_description"] = "Activeer of deactiveer de debugmodus.",
["context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Sluit het contextmenu om de screenshot te maken die naar Discord wordt verzonden.",
["report_bug.title"] = "Rapporteer een bug",
["report_bug.description"] = "Rapporteer een bug aan de ontwikkelaars van dit spel.",
["report_bug.submit"] = "Verzend Bug Rapport",
["report_bug.cancel"] = "Annuleren",
["report_bug.screenshot"] = "Screenshot",
["report_bug.description"] = "Beschrijving",
["report_bug.importance_level"] = "Belangrijkheidsniveau",
["report_bug.importance_level.dsc"] = "Hoe belangrijk is deze bug?",
["report_bug.importance_level.critical"] = "Kritiek - Crash of maakt het spel onspeelbaar.",
["report_bug.importance_level.high"] = "Hoog - Kritieke functionaliteit is onbruikbaar.",
["report_bug.importance_level.medium"] = "Gemiddeld - Belangrijke functionaliteit is onbruikbaar.",
["report_bug.importance_level.low"] = "Laag - Cosmetisch probleem.",
["report_bug.importance_level.trivial"] = "Triviaal - Zeer klein probleem.",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce"] = "Stappen om te reproduceren",
["report_bug.expected_result"] = "Verwacht resultaat",
["report_bug.actual_result"] = "Werkelijk resultaat",
["report_bug.actual_result.dsc"] = "Wat is er werkelijk gebeurd?",
["report_bug.expected_result.dsc"] = "Wat verwachtte je dat er zou gebeuren?",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc"] = "Geef alsjeblieft een stapsgewijze handleiding over hoe je de bug kunt reproduceren.",
["report_bug.description.dsc"] = "Geef alsjeblieft zoveel mogelijk informatie om ons te helpen het probleem op te lossen.",
["report_bug.error.missing_fields"] = "Vul alle verplichte velden in voordat je het bugrapport indient.",
["report_bug.success"] = "Bugrapport succesvol verzonden",
["report_bug.error.failed"] = "Het verzenden van het bugrapport is mislukt, probeer het later opnieuw.",
["chat.missing_permissions"] = "Je hebt geen toestemming om deze actie uit te voeren.",
["chat.authentication_success"] = "Succesvol geauthenticeerd",
["chat.authentication_failed"] = "Authenticatie mislukt",
["chat.server_link"] = ", server gekoppeld als {1}.",
["chat.server_fail"] = ", controleer je ID en Token.",
["chat.error.screenshot_failed"] = "Het maken van een screenshot is mislukt, je systeem ondersteunt deze functie mogelijk niet.",
["chat.screenshot.sent"] = "Screenshot verzonden naar Discord.",
["report_bug.description.full"] = "Hey, je staat op het punt een bug te rapporteren aan de eigenaren van deze server.\nGeef alsjeblieft zoveel mogelijk informatie om ons te helpen het probleem op te lossen.\nBedankt dat je ons helpt de server te verbeteren.\n\nAls je een probleem hebt met Gmod Integration, gebruik dan onze discord-server.",
["report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Sluit het contextmenu om de screenshot te maken die je wilt gebruiken in het bugrapport.",
["filter.ds.1"] = "Je kunt niet op deze server komen",
["filter.ds.2"] = "Reden: {1}",
["filter.none"] = "geen",
["filter.ds.3"] = "Help URL: {1}",
["filter.ds.4"] = "Een fijne dag verder",
["filter.ds.5"] = "Service geleverd door Gmod Integration",
["filter.maintenance"] = "De server is momenteel in onderhoud en je staat niet op de whitelist.",
["filter.ban"] = "Je bent verbannen van deze server.",
["filter.discord_ban"] = "Je bent verbannen van onze Discord-server.",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
return {
["verification.title"] = "Verification Required",
["verification.open_page"] = "Open Verification Page",
["verification.description"] = "Hey,\nIt looks like you haven't linked your Steam account to Discord yet. This is required to play on this server. Please click the button below to link your account.\n\nAfter you've done that, click the refresh button.",
["verification.refresh"] = "Refresh Verification",
["verification.success"] = "You have been verified",
["verification.fail"] = "Failed to verify you",
["verification.link_require"] = "This server requires you to link your Discord account to play",
["admin.restart_required"] = "Restart Required",
["admin.restart_required_description"] = "Some changes require a restart to be applied.\nRestart now ?",
["admin.restart"] = "Restart",
["admin.maybe_later"] = "Maybe Later",
["admin.authentication"] = "Authentication",
["admin.main"] = "Main",
["admin.trust_safety"] = "Trust & Safety",
["admin.advanced"] = "Advanced",
["admin.server_id"] = "Server ID",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "Server ID found on the webpanel.",
["admin.link.open_webpanel"] = "Open Webpanel",
["admin.link.test_connection"] = "Test Connection",
["admin.link.buy_premium"] = "Buy Premium",
["admin.link.install_websocket"] = "Install Websocket",
["admin.websocket_required"] = "\n\nThis feature require a websocket connection to work properly.",
["admin.feature_soon"] = "\n\nThis feature will be available soon.",
["admin.enabled"] = "Enabled",
["admin.disabled"] = "Disabled",
["admin.click_to_show"] = "*** Click to show ***",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "Here you can configure your server settings.\nServer ID and Token are available on the webpanel in the server settings.\nThe documentation is available at {1}\nIf you need help, please contact us on our discord server.",
["admin.server_config"] = "Server Config",
["admin.server_token"] = "Server Token",
["admin.server_token_description"] = "Server Token foundforce_player_link on the webpanel.",
["admin.filter_on_ban"] = "Block Discord Ban Player",
["admin.filter_on_ban_description"] = "Block players banned on the discord server.",
["admin.force_player_link"] = "Force Player Verif",
["admin.force_player_link_description"] = "Force player verification.",
["admin.language"] = "Language",
["admin.language_description"] = "Language used in the interface.",
["admin.maintenance"] = "Maintenance",
["admin.maintenance_description"] = "Activate or deactivate maintenance mode.",
["admin.api_fqdn"] = "API FQDN",
["admin.api_fqdn_description"] = "API FQDN that will be used for the API connection.",
["admin.websocket_fqdn"] = "Websocket FQDN",
["admin.websocket_fqdn_description"] = "Websocket FQDN that will be used for the Websocket connection.",
["admin.debug"] = "Debug",
["admin.debug_description"] = "Activate or deactivate debug mode.",
["context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Close the context menu to take the screenshot that will be send to Discord.",
["report_bug.title"] = "Report a bug",
["report_bug.description"] = "Report a bug to the developers of this game.",
["report_bug.submit"] = "Submit Bug Report",
["report_bug.cancel"] = "Cancel",
["report_bug.screenshot"] = "Screenshot",
["report_bug.description"] = "Description",
["report_bug.importance_level"] = "Importance Level",
["report_bug.importance_level.dsc"] = "How important is this bug?",
["report_bug.importance_level.critical"] = "Critical - Crash or made the game unplayable.",
["report_bug.importance_level.high"] = "High - Critical functionality is unusable.",
["report_bug.importance_level.medium"] = "Medium - Important functionality is unusable.",
["report_bug.importance_level.low"] = "Low - Cosmetic issue.",
["report_bug.importance_level.trivial"] = "Trivial - Very minor issue.",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce"] = "Steps to Reproduce",
["report_bug.expected_result"] = "Expected result",
["report_bug.actual_result"] = "Actual result",
["report_bug.actual_result.dsc"] = "What actually happened?",
["report_bug.expected_result.dsc"] = "What did you expect to happen?",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc"] = "Please provide a step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the bug.",
["report_bug.description.dsc"] = "Please provide as much information as possible to help us fix the issue.",
["report_bug.error.missing_fields"] = "Before submitting the bug report, please fill in all the required fields.",
["report_bug.success"] = "Bug report sent successfully",
["report_bug.error.failed"] = "Failed to send bug report, please try again later.",
["chat.missing_permissions"] = "You do not have permission to do this action.",
["chat.authentication_success"] = "Successfully Authenticated",
["chat.authentication_failed"] = "Failed to Authenticate",
["chat.server_link"] = ", server linked as {1}.",
["chat.server_fail"] = ", check your ID and Token.",
["chat.error.screenshot_failed"] = "Failed to take screenshot, your system may not support this feature.",
["chat.screenshot.sent"] = "Screenshot sent to Discord.",
["report_bug.description.full"] = "Hey, your about to report a bug to the owners of this server.\nPlease provide as much information as possible to help us fix the issue.\nThank you for helping us improve the server.\n\nIf you have a issue with Gmod Integration, please use our discord server.",
["report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Close the context menu to take the screenshot to use in the bug report.",
["filter.ds.1"] = "You cannot join this server",
["filter.ds.2"] = "Reason: {1}",
["filter.none"] = "none",
["filter.ds.3"] = "Help URL: {1}",
["filter.ds.4"] = "Have a nice day",
["filter.ds.5"] = "Service provided by Gmod Integration",
["filter.maintenance"] = "The server is currently under maintenance and you are not whitelisted.",
["filter.ban"] = "You are banned from this server.",
["filter.discord_ban"] = "You are banned from our discord server.",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
return {
["verification.title"] = "Verificación Requerida",
["verification.open_page"] = "Abrir Página de Verificación",
["verification.description"] = "Hola,\nParece que aún no has vinculado tu cuenta de Steam a Discord. Esto es necesario para jugar en este servidor. Haz clic en el botón de abajo para vincular tu cuenta.\n\nDespués de hacer eso, haz clic en el botón de actualización.",
["verification.refresh"] = "Actualizar Verificación",
["verification.success"] = "Has sido verificado",
["verification.fail"] = "No se pudo verificar",
["verification.link_require"] = "Este servidor requiere que vincules tu cuenta de Discord para jugar",
["admin.restart_required"] = "Reinicio Requerido",
["admin.restart_required_description"] = "Algunos cambios requieren reiniciar para aplicarse.\n¿Reiniciar ahora?",
["admin.restart"] = "Reiniciar",
["admin.maybe_later"] = "Quizás Más Tarde",
["admin.authentication"] = "Autenticación",
["admin.main"] = "Principal",
["admin.trust_safety"] = "Confianza y Seguridad",
["admin.advanced"] = "Avanzado",
["admin.server_id"] = "ID del Servidor",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "ID del servidor encontrado en el panel web.",
["admin.link.open_webpanel"] = "Abrir Panel Web",
["admin.link.test_connection"] = "Probar Conexión",
["admin.link.buy_premium"] = "Comprar Premium",
["admin.link.install_websocket"] = "Instalar Websocket",
["admin.websocket_required"] = "\n\nEsta función requiere una conexión de websocket para funcionar correctamente.",
["admin.feature_soon"] = "\n\nEsta función estará disponible pronto.",
["admin.enabled"] = "Habilitado",
["admin.disabled"] = "Deshabilitado",
["admin.click_to_show"] = "*** Haz clic para mostrar ***",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "Aquí puedes configurar los ajustes de tu servidor.\nEl ID del servidor y el Token están disponibles en el panel web en los ajustes del servidor.\nLa documentación está disponible en {1}\nSi necesitas ayuda, por favor contáctanos en nuestro servidor de Discord.",
["admin.server_config"] = "Configuración del Servidor",
["admin.server_token"] = "Token del Servidor",
["admin.server_token_description"] = "Token del servidor encontrado en el panel web.",
["admin.filter_on_ban"] = "Bloquear Jugador Baneado de Discord",
["admin.filter_on_ban_description"] = "Bloquear jugadores baneados en el servidor de Discord.",
["admin.force_player_link"] = "Forzar Verificación de Jugador",
["admin.force_player_link_description"] = "Forzar verificación de jugadores.",
["admin.language"] = "Idioma",
["admin.language_description"] = "Idioma utilizado en la interfaz.",
["admin.maintenance"] = "Mantenimiento",
["admin.maintenance_description"] = "Activar o desactivar el modo de mantenimiento.",
["admin.api_fqdn"] = "FQDN de la API",
["admin.api_fqdn_description"] = "FQDN de la API que se utilizará para la conexión de la API.",
["admin.websocket_fqdn"] = "FQDN de Websocket",
["admin.websocket_fqdn_description"] = "FQDN de Websocket que se utilizará para la conexión de Websocket.",
["admin.debug"] = "Depuración",
["admin.debug_description"] = "Activar o desactivar el modo de depuración.",
["context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Cierra el menú contextual para tomar la captura de pantalla que se enviará a Discord.",
["report_bug.title"] = "Informar un Error",
["report_bug.description"] = "Informa un error a los desarrolladores de este juego.",
["report_bug.submit"] = "Enviar Informe de Error",
["report_bug.cancel"] = "Cancelar",
["report_bug.screenshot"] = "Captura de Pantalla",
["report_bug.description"] = "Descripción",
["report_bug.importance_level"] = "Nivel de Importancia",
["report_bug.importance_level.dsc"] = "¿Qué tan importante es este error?",
["report_bug.importance_level.critical"] = "Crítico - Causa un bloqueo o hace que el juego sea inutilizable.",
["report_bug.importance_level.high"] = "Alto - La funcionalidad crítica no se puede utilizar.",
["report_bug.importance_level.medium"] = "Medio - La funcionalidad importante no se puede utilizar.",
["report_bug.importance_level.low"] = "Bajo - Problema cosmético.",
["report_bug.importance_level.trivial"] = "Trivial - Problema muy menor.",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce"] = "Pasos para Reproducir",
["report_bug.expected_result"] = "Resultado Esperado",
["report_bug.actual_result"] = "Resultado Actual",
["report_bug.actual_result.dsc"] = "¿Qué sucedió realmente?",
["report_bug.expected_result.dsc"] = "¿Qué esperabas que sucediera?",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc"] = "Proporciona una guía paso a paso sobre cómo reproducir el error.",
["report_bug.description.dsc"] = "Proporciona la mayor cantidad de información posible para ayudarnos a solucionar el problema.",
["report_bug.error.missing_fields"] = "Antes de enviar el informe de error, por favor completa todos los campos requeridos.",
["report_bug.success"] = "Informe de error enviado exitosamente",
["report_bug.error.failed"] = "Error al enviar el informe de error, por favor intenta nuevamente más tarde.",
["chat.missing_permissions"] = "No tienes permiso para realizar esta acción.",
["chat.authentication_success"] = "Autenticación Exitosa",
["chat.authentication_failed"] = "Error al Autenticar",
["chat.server_link"] = ", servidor vinculado como {1}.",
["chat.server_fail"] = ", verifica tu ID y Token.",
["chat.error.screenshot_failed"] = "Error al tomar la captura de pantalla, es posible que tu sistema no admita esta función.",
["chat.screenshot.sent"] = "Captura de pantalla enviada a Discord.",
["report_bug.description.full"] = "Hola, estás a punto de informar un error a los propietarios de este servidor.\nPor favor, proporciona la mayor cantidad de información posible para ayudarnos a solucionar el problema.\nGracias por ayudarnos a mejorar el servidor.\n\nSi tienes algún problema con Gmod Integration, por favor utiliza nuestro servidor de Discord.",
["report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Cierra el menú contextual para tomar la captura de pantalla que se usará en el informe de error.",
["filter.ds.1"] = "No puedes unirte a este servidor",
["filter.ds.2"] = "Motivo: {1}",
["filter.none"] = "ninguno",
["filter.ds.3"] = "URL de ayuda: {1}",
["filter.ds.4"] = "Que tengas un buen día",
["filter.ds.5"] = "Servicio proporcionado por Gmod Integration",
["filter.maintenance"] = "El servidor está actualmente en mantenimiento y no estás en la lista blanca.",
["filter.ban"] = "Estás baneado de este servidor.",
["filter.discord_ban"] = "Estás baneado de nuestro servidor de Discord.",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
return {
["verification.title"] = "Vérification requise",
["verification.open_page"] = "Ouvrir la page de vérification",
["verification.description"] = "Salut,\nIl semble que vous n'ayez pas encore lié votre compte Steam à Discord. Cela est nécessaire pour jouer sur ce serveur. Veuillez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous pour lier votre compte.\n\nAprès avoir fait cela, cliquez sur le bouton de rafraîchissement.",
["verification.refresh"] = "Rafraîchir la vérification",
["verification.success"] = "Vous avez été vérifié",
["verification.fail"] = "Échec de la vérification",
["verification.link_require"] = "Ce serveur nécessite que vous liiez votre compte Discord pour jouer",
["admin.restart_required"] = "Redémarrage requis",
["admin.restart_required_description"] = "Certaines modifications nécessitent un redémarrage pour être appliquées.\nRedémarrer maintenant ?",
["admin.restart"] = "Redémarrer",
["admin.maybe_later"] = "Peut-être plus tard",
["admin.authentication"] = "Authentification",
["admin.main"] = "Principal",
["admin.trust_safety"] = "Confiance et sécurité",
["admin.advanced"] = "Avancé",
["admin.server_id"] = "ID du serveur",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "ID du serveur trouvé sur le panneau web.",
["admin.link.open_webpanel"] = "Ouvrir le panneau web",
["admin.link.test_connection"] = "Tester la connexion",
["admin.link.buy_premium"] = "Acheter Premium",
["admin.link.install_websocket"] = "Installer le websocket",
["admin.websocket_required"] = "\n\nCette fonctionnalité nécessite une connexion websocket pour fonctionner correctement.",
["admin.feature_soon"] = "\n\nCette fonctionnalité sera bientôt disponible.",
["admin.enabled"] = "Activé",
["admin.disabled"] = "Désactivé",
["admin.click_to_show"] = "*** Cliquez pour afficher ***",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "Ici, vous pouvez configurer les paramètres de votre serveur.\nL'ID du serveur et le jeton sont disponibles sur le panneau web dans les paramètres du serveur.\nLa documentation est disponible sur {1}\nSi vous avez besoin d'aide, veuillez nous contacter sur notre serveur Discord.",
["admin.server_config"] = "Configuration du serveur",
["admin.server_token"] = "Jeton du serveur",
["admin.server_token_description"] = "Jeton du serveur trouvé sur le panneau web.",
["admin.filter_on_ban"] = "Bloquer les joueurs bannis sur Discord",
["admin.filter_on_ban_description"] = "Bloquer les joueurs bannis sur le serveur Discord.",
["admin.force_player_link"] = "Forcer la vérification du joueur",
["admin.force_player_link_description"] = "Forcer la vérification du joueur.",
["admin.language"] = "Langue",
["admin.language_description"] = "Langue utilisée dans l'interface.",
["admin.maintenance"] = "Maintenance",
["admin.maintenance_description"] = "Activer ou désactiver le mode de maintenance.",
["admin.api_fqdn"] = "FQDN de l'API",
["admin.api_fqdn_description"] = "FQDN de l'API qui sera utilisé pour la connexion à l'API.",
["admin.websocket_fqdn"] = "FQDN du websocket",
["admin.websocket_fqdn_description"] = "FQDN du websocket qui sera utilisé pour la connexion au websocket.",
["admin.debug"] = "Débogage",
["admin.debug_description"] = "Activer ou désactiver le mode de débogage.",
["context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Fermez le menu contextuel pour prendre la capture d'écran qui sera envoyée à Discord.",
["report_bug.title"] = "Signaler un bug",
["report_bug.description"] = "Signaler un bug aux développeurs de ce jeu.",
["report_bug.submit"] = "Envoyer le rapport de bug",
["report_bug.cancel"] = "Annuler",
["report_bug.screenshot"] = "Capture d'écran",
["report_bug.description"] = "Description",
["report_bug.importance_level"] = "Niveau d'importance",
["report_bug.importance_level.dsc"] = "À quel point ce bug est-il important ?",
["report_bug.importance_level.critical"] = "Critique - Crash ou rend le jeu injouable.",
["report_bug.importance_level.high"] = "Élevé - La fonctionnalité critique est inutilisable.",
["report_bug.importance_level.medium"] = "Moyen - La fonctionnalité importante est inutilisable.",
["report_bug.importance_level.low"] = "Faible - Problème cosmétique.",
["report_bug.importance_level.trivial"] = "Trivial - Problème très mineur.",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce"] = "Étapes pour reproduire",
["report_bug.expected_result"] = "Résultat attendu",
["report_bug.actual_result"] = "Résultat réel",
["report_bug.actual_result.dsc"] = "Qu'est-ce qui s'est réellement passé ?",
["report_bug.expected_result.dsc"] = "Qu'attendiez-vous qu'il se passe ?",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc"] = "Veuillez fournir un guide étape par étape sur la façon de reproduire le bug.",
["report_bug.description.dsc"] = "Veuillez fournir autant d'informations que possible pour nous aider à résoudre le problème.",
["report_bug.error.missing_fields"] = "Avant de soumettre le rapport de bug, veuillez remplir tous les champs obligatoires.",
["report_bug.success"] = "Rapport de bug envoyé avec succès",
["report_bug.error.failed"] = "Échec de l'envoi du rapport de bug, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement.",
["chat.missing_permissions"] = "Vous n'avez pas la permission de faire cette action.",
["chat.authentication_success"] = "Authentification réussie",
["chat.authentication_failed"] = "Échec de l'authentification",
["chat.server_link"] = ", serveur lié en tant que {1}.",
["chat.server_fail"] = ", vérifiez votre ID et votre jeton.",
["chat.error.screenshot_failed"] = "Impossible de prendre une capture d'écran, votre système ne prend peut-être pas en charge cette fonctionnalité.",
["chat.screenshot.sent"] = "Capture d'écran envoyée à Discord.",
["report_bug.description.full"] = "Salut, vous êtes sur le point de signaler un bug aux propriétaires de ce serveur.\nVeuillez fournir autant d'informations que possible pour nous aider à résoudre le problème.\nMerci de nous aider à améliorer le serveur.\n\nSi vous avez un problème avec Gmod Integration, veuillez utiliser notre serveur Discord.",
["report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Fermez le menu contextuel pour prendre la capture d'écran à utiliser dans le rapport de bug.",
["filter.ds.1"] = "Vous ne pouvez pas rejoindre ce serveur",
["filter.ds.2"] = "Raison : {1}",
["filter.none"] = "aucun",
["filter.ds.3"] = "URL d'aide : {1}",
["filter.ds.4"] = "Bonne journée",
["filter.ds.5"] = "Service fourni par Gmod Integration",
["filter.maintenance"] = "Le serveur est actuellement en maintenance et vous n'êtes pas sur la liste blanche.",
["filter.ban"] = "Vous êtes banni de ce serveur.",
["filter.discord_ban"] = "Vous êtes banni de notre serveur Discord.",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
return {
["verification.title"] = "Verifica Richiesta",
["verification.open_page"] = "Apri Pagina di Verifica",
["verification.description"] = "Ciao,\nSembra che tu non abbia ancora collegato il tuo account Steam a Discord. Questo è necessario per giocare su questo server. Fai clic sul pulsante di seguito per collegare il tuo account.\n\nDopo averlo fatto, clicca sul pulsante di aggiornamento.",
["verification.refresh"] = "Aggiorna Verifica",
["verification.success"] = "Sei stato verificato",
["verification.fail"] = "Impossibile verificarti",
["verification.link_require"] = "Questo server richiede di collegare il tuo account Discord per giocare",
["admin.restart_required"] = "Riavvio Richiesto",
["admin.restart_required_description"] = "Alcune modifiche richiedono un riavvio per essere applicate.\nRiavviare adesso?",
["admin.restart"] = "Riavvia",
["admin.maybe_later"] = "Forse Dopo",
["admin.authentication"] = "Autenticazione",
["admin.main"] = "Principale",
["admin.trust_safety"] = "Affidabilità e Sicurezza",
["admin.advanced"] = "Avanzate",
["admin.server_id"] = "ID Server",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "ID Server trovato sul pannello web.",
["admin.link.open_webpanel"] = "Apri Pannello Web",
["admin.link.test_connection"] = "Test Connessione",
["admin.link.buy_premium"] = "Acquista Premium",
["admin.link.install_websocket"] = "Installa Websocket",
["admin.websocket_required"] = "\n\nQuesta funzionalità richiede una connessione websocket per funzionare correttamente.",
["admin.feature_soon"] = "\n\nQuesta funzionalità sarà presto disponibile.",
["admin.enabled"] = "Abilitato",
["admin.disabled"] = "Disabilitato",
["admin.click_to_show"] = "*** Clicca per mostrare ***",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "Qui puoi configurare le impostazioni del tuo server.\nL'ID Server e il Token sono disponibili sul pannello web nelle impostazioni del server.\nLa documentazione è disponibile su {1}\nSe hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci sul nostro server Discord.",
["admin.server_config"] = "Configurazione Server",
["admin.server_token"] = "Token Server",
["admin.server_token_description"] = "Token Server trovato sul pannello web.",
["admin.filter_on_ban"] = "Blocca Giocatori Bannati su Discord",
["admin.filter_on_ban_description"] = "Blocca i giocatori bannati sul server Discord.",
["admin.force_player_link"] = "Forza Verifica Giocatore",
["admin.force_player_link_description"] = "Forza la verifica del giocatore.",
["admin.language"] = "Lingua",
["admin.language_description"] = "Lingua utilizzata nell'interfaccia.",
["admin.maintenance"] = "Manutenzione",
["admin.maintenance_description"] = "Attiva o disattiva la modalità di manutenzione.",
["admin.api_fqdn"] = "API FQDN",
["admin.api_fqdn_description"] = "API FQDN che verrà utilizzato per la connessione API.",
["admin.websocket_fqdn"] = "Websocket FQDN",
["admin.websocket_fqdn_description"] = "Websocket FQDN che verrà utilizzato per la connessione Websocket.",
["admin.debug"] = "Debug",
["admin.debug_description"] = "Attiva o disattiva la modalità di debug.",
["context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Chiudi il menu contestuale per fare uno screenshot che verrà inviato a Discord.",
["report_bug.title"] = "Segnala un Bug",
["report_bug.description"] = "Segnala un bug agli sviluppatori di questo gioco.",
["report_bug.submit"] = "Invia Segnalazione Bug",
["report_bug.cancel"] = "Annulla",
["report_bug.screenshot"] = "Screenshot",
["report_bug.description"] = "Descrizione",
["report_bug.importance_level"] = "Livello di Importanza",
["report_bug.importance_level.dsc"] = "Quanto è importante questo bug?",
["report_bug.importance_level.critical"] = "Critico - Crash o rende il gioco inutilizzabile.",
["report_bug.importance_level.high"] = "Alto - La funzionalità critica non è utilizzabile.",
["report_bug.importance_level.medium"] = "Medio - La funzionalità importante non è utilizzabile.",
["report_bug.importance_level.low"] = "Basso - Problema estetico.",
["report_bug.importance_level.trivial"] = "Triviale - Problema molto minore.",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce"] = "Passaggi per Riprodurre",
["report_bug.expected_result"] = "Risultato Atteso",
["report_bug.actual_result"] = "Risultato Effettivo",
["report_bug.actual_result.dsc"] = "Cosa è successo effettivamente?",
["report_bug.expected_result.dsc"] = "Cosa ti aspettavi che succedesse?",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc"] = "Fornisci una guida passo-passo su come riprodurre il bug.",
["report_bug.description.dsc"] = "Fornisci il maggior numero di informazioni possibile per aiutarci a risolvere il problema.",
["report_bug.error.missing_fields"] = "Prima di inviare la segnalazione del bug, compila tutti i campi obbligatori.",
["report_bug.success"] = "Segnalazione bug inviata con successo",
["report_bug.error.failed"] = "Impossibile inviare la segnalazione del bug, riprova più tardi.",
["chat.missing_permissions"] = "Non hai il permesso per eseguire questa azione.",
["chat.authentication_success"] = "Autenticazione Riuscita",
["chat.authentication_failed"] = "Autenticazione Fallita",
["chat.server_link"] = ", server collegato come {1}.",
["chat.server_fail"] = ", controlla il tuo ID e Token.",
["chat.error.screenshot_failed"] = "Impossibile fare lo screenshot, il tuo sistema potrebbe non supportare questa funzionalità.",
["chat.screenshot.sent"] = "Screenshot inviato a Discord.",
["report_bug.description.full"] = "Ciao, stai per segnalare un bug ai proprietari di questo server.\nFornisci il maggior numero di informazioni possibile per aiutarci a risolvere il problema.\nGrazie per aiutarci a migliorare il server.\n\nSe hai un problema con Gmod Integration, utilizza il nostro server Discord.",
["report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Chiudi il menu contestuale per fare lo screenshot da utilizzare nella segnalazione del bug.",
["filter.ds.1"] = "Non puoi unirti a questo server",
["filter.ds.2"] = "Motivo: {1}",
["filter.none"] = "nessuno",
["filter.ds.3"] = "URL di aiuto: {1}",
["filter.ds.4"] = "Buona giornata",
["filter.ds.5"] = "Servizio fornito da Gmod Integration",
["filter.maintenance"] = "Il server è attualmente in manutenzione e non sei in whitelist.",
["filter.ban"] = "Sei stato bannato da questo server.",
["filter.discord_ban"] = "Sei stato bannato dal nostro server Discord.",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
return {
["verification.title"] = "Требуется верификация",
["verification.open_page"] = "Открыть страницу верификации",
["verification.description"] = "Привет,\nПохоже, вы еще не связали свою учетную запись Steam с Discord. Это требуется для игры на этом сервере. Пожалуйста, нажмите кнопку ниже, чтобы связать свою учетную запись.\n\nПосле этого нажмите кнопку обновления.",
["verification.refresh"] = "Обновить верификацию",
["verification.success"] = "Вы были верифицированы",
["verification.fail"] = "Не удалось верифицировать вас",
["verification.link_require"] = "Для игры на этом сервере требуется связать вашу учетную запись Discord",
["admin.restart_required"] = "Требуется перезапуск",
["admin.restart_required_description"] = "Некоторые изменения требуют перезапуска для применения.\nПерезапустить сейчас?",
["admin.restart"] = "Перезапустить",
["admin.maybe_later"] = "Возможно позже",
["admin.authentication"] = "Аутентификация",
["admin.main"] = "Главное",
["admin.trust_safety"] = "Доверие и безопасность",
["admin.advanced"] = "Расширенные",
["admin.server_id"] = "ID сервера",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "ID сервера, найденный на веб-панели.",
["admin.link.open_webpanel"] = "Открыть веб-панель",
["admin.link.test_connection"] = "Проверить соединение",
["admin.link.buy_premium"] = "Купить премиум",
["admin.link.install_websocket"] = "Установить Websocket",
["admin.websocket_required"] = "\n\nДля работы этой функции требуется соединение с Websocket.",
["admin.feature_soon"] = "\n\nЭта функция будет доступна в ближайшее время.",
["admin.enabled"] = "Включено",
["admin.disabled"] = "Отключено",
["admin.click_to_show"] = "*** Нажмите, чтобы показать ***",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "Здесь вы можете настроить настройки сервера.\nID сервера и токен доступны на веб-панели в настройках сервера.\nДокументация доступна по адресу {1}\nЕсли вам нужна помощь, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами на нашем сервере Discord.",
["admin.server_config"] = "Конфигурация сервера",
["admin.server_token"] = "Токен сервера",
["admin.server_token_description"] = "Токен сервера, найденный на веб-панели.",
["admin.filter_on_ban"] = "Блокировать игрока, забаненного на Discord",
["admin.filter_on_ban_description"] = "Блокировать игроков, забаненных на сервере Discord.",
["admin.force_player_link"] = "Принудительная верификация игрока",
["admin.force_player_link_description"] = "Принудительная верификация игрока.",
["admin.language"] = "Язык",
["admin.language_description"] = "Язык, используемый в интерфейсе.",
["admin.maintenance"] = "Техническое обслуживание",
["admin.maintenance_description"] = "Активировать или деактивировать режим технического обслуживания.",
["admin.api_fqdn"] = "API FQDN",
["admin.api_fqdn_description"] = "API FQDN, который будет использоваться для подключения к API.",
["admin.websocket_fqdn"] = "Websocket FQDN",
["admin.websocket_fqdn_description"] = "Websocket FQDN, который будет использоваться для подключения к Websocket.",
["admin.debug"] = "Отладка",
["admin.debug_description"] = "Активировать или деактивировать режим отладки.",
["context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Закройте контекстное меню, чтобы сделать снимок экрана, который будет отправлен в Discord.",
["report_bug.title"] = "Сообщить об ошибке",
["report_bug.description"] = "Сообщить об ошибке разработчикам этой игры.",
["report_bug.submit"] = "Отправить отчет об ошибке",
["report_bug.cancel"] = "Отмена",
["report_bug.screenshot"] = "Снимок экрана",
["report_bug.description"] = "Описание",
["report_bug.importance_level"] = "Уровень важности",
["report_bug.importance_level.dsc"] = "На сколько важна эта ошибка?",
["report_bug.importance_level.critical"] = "Критический - Вылет или сделал игру непригодной для игры.",
["report_bug.importance_level.high"] = "Высокий - Критическая функциональность неработоспособна.",
["report_bug.importance_level.medium"] = "Средний - Важная функциональность неработоспособна.",
["report_bug.importance_level.low"] = "Низкий - Косметическая проблема.",
["report_bug.importance_level.trivial"] = "Пустяковый - Очень незначительная проблема.",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce"] = "Шаги для воспроизведения",
["report_bug.expected_result"] = "Ожидаемый результат",
["report_bug.actual_result"] = "Фактический результат",
["report_bug.actual_result.dsc"] = "Что на самом деле произошло?",
["report_bug.expected_result.dsc"] = "Что вы ожидали, что произойдет?",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc"] = "Пожалуйста, предоставьте пошаговое руководство о том, как воспроизвести ошибку.",
["report_bug.description.dsc"] = "Пожалуйста, предоставьте как можно больше информации, чтобы помочь нам исправить проблему.",
["report_bug.error.missing_fields"] = "Перед отправкой отчета об ошибке, заполните все обязательные поля.",
["report_bug.success"] = "Отчет об ошибке успешно отправлен",
["report_bug.error.failed"] = "Не удалось отправить отчет об ошибке, пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз позже.",
["chat.missing_permissions"] = "У вас нет разрешения на выполнение этого действия.",
["chat.authentication_success"] = "Успешная аутентификация",
["chat.authentication_failed"] = "Не удалось аутентифицироваться",
["chat.server_link"] = ", сервер связан как {1}.",
["chat.server_fail"] = ", проверьте ваш ID и токен.",
["chat.error.screenshot_failed"] = "Не удалось сделать снимок экрана, ваша система может не поддерживать эту функцию.",
["chat.screenshot.sent"] = "Снимок экрана отправлен в Discord.",
["report_bug.description.full"] = "Привет, вы собираетесь сообщить об ошибке владельцам этого сервера.\nПожалуйста, предоставьте как можно больше информации, чтобы помочь нам исправить проблему.\nСпасибо, что помогаете нам улучшить сервер.\n\nЕсли у вас есть проблема с Gmod Integration, пожалуйста, используйте наш сервер Discord.",
["report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Закройте контекстное меню, чтобы сделать снимок экрана для использования в отчете об ошибке.",
["filter.ds.1"] = "Вы не можете присоединиться к этому серверу",
["filter.ds.2"] = "Причина: {1}",
["filter.none"] = "нет",
["filter.ds.3"] = "Ссылка на помощь: {1}",
["filter.ds.4"] = "Хорошего дня",
["filter.ds.5"] = "Сервис предоставлен Gmod Integration",
["filter.maintenance"] = "Сервер в настоящее время находится на техническом обслуживании, и вы не включены в белый список.",
["filter.ban"] = "Вы забанены на этом сервере.",
["filter.discord_ban"] = "Вы забанены на нашем сервере Discord.",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
return {
["verification.title"] = "Doğrulama Gerekli",
["verification.open_page"] = "Doğrulama Sayfasını Aç",
["verification.description"] = "Merhaba,\nGörünüşe göre Steam hesabınızı Discord'a henüz bağlamadınız. Bu sunucuda oynamak için bu gereklidir. Hesabınızı bağlamak için lütfen aşağıdaki düğmeye tıklayın.\n\nBunu yaptıktan sonra, yenileme düğmesine tıklayın.",
["verification.refresh"] = "Doğrulamayı Yenile",
["verification.success"] = "Doğrulandınız",
["verification.fail"] = "Doğrulama başarısız oldu",
["verification.link_require"] = "Bu sunucuda oynamak için Discord hesabınızı bağlamanız gerekiyor",
["admin.restart_required"] = "Yeniden Başlatma Gerekli",
["admin.restart_required_description"] = "Bazı değişikliklerin uygulanması için yeniden başlatma gereklidir.\nŞimdi yeniden başlatılsın mı?",
["admin.restart"] = "Yeniden Başlat",
["admin.maybe_later"] = "Belki Daha Sonra",
["admin.authentication"] = "Kimlik Doğrulama",
["admin.main"] = "Ana",
["admin.trust_safety"] = "Güven ve Güvenlik",
["admin.advanced"] = "Gelişmiş",
["admin.server_id"] = "Sunucu Kimliği",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "Web panelinde bulunan sunucu kimliği.",
["admin.link.open_webpanel"] = "Web Panelini Aç",
["admin.link.test_connection"] = "Bağlantıyı Test Et",
["admin.link.buy_premium"] = "Premium Satın Al",
["admin.link.install_websocket"] = "Websocket Kur",
["admin.websocket_required"] = "\n\nBu özellik düzgün çalışması için bir websocket bağlantısı gerektirir.",
["admin.feature_soon"] = "\n\nBu özellik yakında kullanılabilir olacak.",
["admin.enabled"] = "Etkin",
["admin.disabled"] = "Devre Dışı",
["admin.click_to_show"] = "*** Göstermek için tıklayın ***",
["admin.server_id_description"] = "Burada sunucu ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz.\nSunucu Kimliği ve Token, sunucu ayarlarında web panelinde mevcuttur.\nDökümantasyon {1} adresinde mevcuttur.\nYardıma ihtiyacınız varsa, lütfen discord sunucumuzda bize ulaşın.",
["admin.server_config"] = "Sunucu Yapılandırması",
["admin.server_token"] = "Sunucu Token",
["admin.server_token_description"] = "Web panelinde bulunan sunucu tokenı.",
["admin.filter_on_ban"] = "Discord Banlı Oyuncuyu Engelle",
["admin.filter_on_ban_description"] = "Discord sunucusunda yasaklanmış oyuncuları engelle.",
["admin.force_player_link"] = "Oyuncu Doğrulamasını Zorla",
["admin.force_player_link_description"] = "Oyuncu doğrulamasını zorla.",
["admin.language"] = "Dil",
["admin.language_description"] = "Arayüzde kullanılan dil.",
["admin.maintenance"] = "Bakım",
["admin.maintenance_description"] = "Bakım modunu etkinleştir veya devre dışı bırak.",
["admin.api_fqdn"] = "API FQDN",
["admin.api_fqdn_description"] = "API bağlantısı için kullanılacak API FQDN.",
["admin.websocket_fqdn"] = "Websocket FQDN",
["admin.websocket_fqdn_description"] = "Websocket bağlantısı için kullanılacak Websocket FQDN.",
["admin.debug"] = "Hata Ayıklama",
["admin.debug_description"] = "Hata ayıklama modunu etkinleştir veya devre dışı bırak.",
["context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Ekran görüntüsünü almak için bağlam menüsünü kapatın ve Discord'a gönderin.",
["report_bug.title"] = "Hata Bildir",
["report_bug.description"] = "Bu oyunun geliştiricilerine bir hata bildirin.",
["report_bug.submit"] = "Hata Raporunu Gönder",
["report_bug.cancel"] = "İptal",
["report_bug.screenshot"] = "Ekran Görüntüsü",
["report_bug.description"] = "Açıklama",
["report_bug.importance_level"] = "Önem Seviyesi",
["report_bug.importance_level.dsc"] = "Bu hata ne kadar önemli?",
["report_bug.importance_level.critical"] = "Kritik - Oyunu çökertti veya oynanamaz hale getirdi.",
["report_bug.importance_level.high"] = "Yüksek - Kritik işlevsellik kullanılamaz.",
["report_bug.importance_level.medium"] = "Orta - Önemli işlevsellik kullanılamaz.",
["report_bug.importance_level.low"] = "Düşük - Kozmetik bir sorun.",
["report_bug.importance_level.trivial"] = "Önemsiz - Çok küçük bir sorun.",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce"] = "Tekrarlama Adımları",
["report_bug.expected_result"] = "Beklenen Sonuç",
["report_bug.actual_result"] = "Gerçek Sonuç",
["report_bug.actual_result.dsc"] = "Gerçekte ne oldu?",
["report_bug.expected_result.dsc"] = "Ne olmasını bekliyordunuz?",
["report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc"] = "Lütfen hatayı nasıl tekrarlayacağınızı adım adım açıklayın.",
["report_bug.description.dsc"] = "Lütfen sorunu düzeltmemize yardımcı olmak için mümkün olduğunca fazla bilgi sağlayın.",
["report_bug.error.missing_fields"] = "Hata raporunu göndermeden önce lütfen tüm gerekli alanları doldurun.",
["report_bug.success"] = "Hata raporu başarıyla gönderildi",
["report_bug.error.failed"] = "Hata raporu gönderilemedi, lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin.",
["chat.missing_permissions"] = "Bu işlemi yapma izniniz yok.",
["chat.authentication_success"] = "Başarıyla Kimlik Doğrulandı",
["chat.authentication_failed"] = "Kimlik Doğrulama Başarısız",
["chat.server_link"] = ", sunucu {1} olarak bağlandı.",
["chat.server_fail"] = ", ID ve Token'ınızı kontrol edin.",
["chat.error.screenshot_failed"] = "Ekran görüntüsü alınamadı, sistemizin bu özelliği desteklemiyor olabilir.",
["chat.screenshot.sent"] = "Ekran görüntüsü Discord'a gönderildi.",
["report_bug.description.full"] = "Merhaba, bu sunucunun sahiplerine bir hata raporu göndermek üzeresiniz.\nLütfen sorunu düzeltmemize yardımcı olmak için mümkün olduğunca fazla bilgi sağlayın.\nSunucuyu geliştirmemize yardımcı olduğunuz için teşekkür ederiz.\n\nGmod Integration ile ilgili bir sorununuz varsa, lütfen discord sunucumuzu kullanın.",
["report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture"] = "Hata raporunda kullanmak için ekran görüntüsünü almak için bağlam menüsünü kapatın.",
["filter.ds.1"] = "Bu sunucuya katılamazsınız",
["filter.ds.2"] = "Sebep: {1}",
["filter.none"] = "hiçbiri",
["filter.ds.3"] = "Yardım URL'si: {1}",
["filter.ds.4"] = "İyi günler",
["filter.ds.5"] = "Gmod Integration tarafından sağlanan hizmet",
["filter.maintenance"] = "Sunucu şu anda bakım altında ve sizin whitelistinizde değilsiniz.",
["filter.ban"] = "Bu sunucudan yasaklandınız.",
["filter.discord_ban"] = "Discord sunucumuzdan yasaklandınız.",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
local default = include("gmod_integration/shared/languages/sh_en.lua")
local translationTable = default
function gmInte.getTranslation(key, defaultTranslation, ...)
local translation = translationTable[key]
if !translation then return defaultTranslation end
if ... then
for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
translation = string.Replace(translation, "{" .. i .. "}", select(i, ...))
return translation
function gmInte.loadTranslations()
local lang = gmInte.config.language
if lang == "en" then
translationTable = default
if file.Exists("gmod_integration/shared/languages/sh_" .. lang .. ".lua", "LUA") then
translationTable = include("gmod_integration/shared/languages/sh_" .. lang .. ".lua")
print("Unknown Language")
print("Translations Loaded for " .. lang)
if SERVER then gmInte.loadTranslations() end
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ gmInte.config.debug = false // If true, the addon will show debug informations i
gmInte.config.forcePlayerLink = false // If true, the addon will force the players to link their discord account to their steam account before playing
gmInte.config.supportLink = "" // The link of your support (shown when a player do not have the requiments to join the server)
gmInte.config.maintenance = false // If true, the addon will only allow the players with the "gmod-integration.maintenance" permission to join the server
gmInte.config.adminRank = {
gmInte.config.language = "en" // The language of the addon (en, fr, de, es, it, tr, ru)
gmInte.config.adminRank = { // How can edit the configuration of the addon / bypass the maintenance mode
["superadmin"] = true,
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
gmod_integration.report_bug.title=Fehler melden
gmod_integration.report_bug.description=Melden Sie einen Fehler an die Entwickler dieses Spiels.
gmod_integration.report_bug.submit=Fehlerbericht senden
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.dsc=Wie wichtig ist dieser Fehler?
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.critical=Kritisch - Absturz oder das Spiel ist unspielbar.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.high=Hoch - Kritische Funktion ist nicht nutzbar.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.medium=Mittel - Wichtige Funktion ist nicht nutzbar.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.low=Niedrig - Kosmetisches Problem.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.trivial=Trivial - Sehr geringfügiges Problem.
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce=Schritte zur Reproduktion
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result=Erwartetes Ergebnis
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result=Tatsächliches Ergebnis
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result.dsc=Was ist tatsächlich passiert?
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result.dsc=Was haben Sie erwartet?
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc=Bitte geben Sie eine schrittweise Anleitung zur Reproduktion des Fehlers an.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.dsc=Bitte geben Sie so viele Informationen wie möglich an, um uns bei der Behebung des Problems zu helfen.
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.missing_fields=Bitte füllen Sie vor dem Absenden des Fehlerberichts alle erforderlichen Felder aus.
gmod_integration.report_bug.success=Fehlerbericht erfolgreich gesendet
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.failed=Senden des Fehlerberichts fehlgeschlagen. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.
gmod_integration.chat.missing_permissions=Sie haben keine Berechtigung, diese Aktion auszuführen.
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_success=Erfolgreich authentifiziert
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_failed=Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen
gmod_integration.chat.server_link=, Server verknüpft als {1}.
gmod_integration.chat.server_fail=, überprüfen Sie Ihre ID und Ihr Token.
gmod_integration.chat.error.screenshot_failed=Fehler beim Erstellen des Screenshots. Ihr System unterstützt diese Funktion möglicherweise nicht.
gmod_integration.chat.screenshot.sent=Screenshot an Discord gesendet.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.full=Hey, du bist dabei, einen Fehler an die Besitzer dieses Servers zu melden.\nBitte gib so viele Informationen wie möglich an, um uns bei der Behebung des Problems zu helfen.\nVielen Dank, dass du uns hilfst, den Server zu verbessern.\n\nWenn du ein Problem mit Gmod Integration hast, benutze bitte unseren Discord-Server.
gmod_integration.report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture=Schließen Sie das Kontextmenü, um den Screenshot zu machen, der im Fehlerbericht verwendet werden soll.
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
gmod_integration.report_bug.title=Report a bug
gmod_integration.report_bug.description=Report a bug to the developers of this game.
gmod_integration.report_bug.submit=Submit Bug Report
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level=Importance Level
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.dsc=How important is this bug?
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.critical=Critical - Crash or made the game unplayable.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.high=High - Critical functionality is unusable.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.medium=Medium - Important functionality is unusable.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.low=Low - Cosmetic issue.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.trivial=Trivial - Very minor issue.
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce=Steps to Reproduce
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result=Expected result
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result=Actual result
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result.dsc=What actually happened?
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result.dsc=What did you expect to happen?
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc=Please provide a step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the bug.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.dsc=Please provide as much information as possible to help us fix the issue.
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.missing_fields=Before submitting the bug report, please fill in all the required fields.
gmod_integration.report_bug.success=Bug report sent successfully
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.failed=Failed to send bug report, please try again later.
gmod_integration.chat.missing_permissions=You do not have permission to do this action.
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_success=Successfully Authenticated
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_failed=Failed to Authenticate
gmod_integration.chat.server_link=, server linked as {1}.
gmod_integration.chat.server_fail=, check your ID and Token.
gmod_integration.chat.error.screenshot_failed=Failed to take screenshot, your system may not support this feature.
gmod_integration.chat.screenshot.sent=Screenshot sent to Discord.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.full=Hey, your about to report a bug to the owners of this server.\nPlease provide as much information as possible to help us fix the issue.\nThank you for helping us improve the server.\n\nIf you have a issue with Gmod Integration, please use our discord server.
gmod_integration.report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture=Close the context menu to take the screenshot to use in the bug report.
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
gmod_integration.report_bug.title=Informar un error
gmod_integration.report_bug.description=Informa un error a los desarrolladores de este juego.
gmod_integration.report_bug.submit=Enviar informe de error
gmod_integration.report_bug.screenshot=Captura de pantalla
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level=Nivel de importancia
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.dsc=¿Qué tan importante es este error?
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.critical=Crítico - Causa un bloqueo o hace que el juego sea inutilizable.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.high=Alto - La funcionalidad crítica no se puede utilizar.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.medium=Medio - La funcionalidad importante no se puede utilizar.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.low=Bajo - Problema cosmético.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.trivial=Trivial - Problema muy menor.
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce=Pasos para reproducir
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result=Resultado esperado
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result=Resultado actual
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result.dsc=¿Qué sucedió realmente?
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result.dsc=¿Qué esperabas que sucediera?
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc=Proporciona una guía paso a paso sobre cómo reproducir el error.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.dsc=Proporciona la mayor cantidad de información posible para ayudarnos a solucionar el problema.
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.missing_fields=Antes de enviar el informe de error, completa todos los campos requeridos.
gmod_integration.report_bug.success=Informe de error enviado correctamente
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.failed=Error al enviar el informe de error, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
gmod_integration.chat.missing_permissions=No tienes permiso para realizar esta acción.
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_success=Autenticación exitosa
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_failed=Error de autenticación
gmod_integration.chat.server_link=, servidor vinculado como {1}.
gmod_integration.chat.server_fail=, verifica tu ID y Token.
gmod_integration.chat.error.screenshot_failed=Error al tomar la captura de pantalla, es posible que tu sistema no admita esta función.
gmod_integration.chat.screenshot.sent=Captura de pantalla enviada a Discord.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.full=Hola, estás a punto de informar un error a los propietarios de este servidor.\nPor favor, proporciona la mayor cantidad de información posible para ayudarnos a solucionar el problema.\nGracias por ayudarnos a mejorar el servidor.\n\nSi tienes un problema con Gmod Integration, por favor utiliza nuestro servidor de Discord.
gmod_integration.report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture=Cierra el menú contextual para tomar la captura de pantalla y usarla en el informe de error.
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
gmod_integration.report_bug.title=Signaler un bug
gmod_integration.report_bug.description=Signaler un bug aux développeurs de ce jeu.
gmod_integration.report_bug.submit=Envoyer le rapport de bug
gmod_integration.report_bug.screenshot=Capture d'écran
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level=Niveau d'importance
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.dsc=Quelle est l'importance de ce bug ?
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.critical=Critique - Crash ou rend le jeu injouable.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.high=Élevé - Une fonctionnalité critique est inutilisable.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.medium=Moyen - Une fonctionnalité importante est inutilisable.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.low=Faible - Problème esthétique.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.trivial=Trivial - Problème très mineur.
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce=Étapes pour reproduire
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result=Résultat attendu
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result=Résultat réel
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result.dsc=Qu'est-ce qui s'est réellement passé ?
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result.dsc=Qu'est-ce que vous attendiez qu'il se passe ?
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc=Veuillez fournir un guide étape par étape pour reproduire le bug.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.dsc=Veuillez fournir autant d'informations que possible pour nous aider à résoudre le problème.
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.missing_fields=Avant d'envoyer le rapport de bug, veuillez remplir tous les champs obligatoires.
gmod_integration.report_bug.success=Rapport de bug envoyé avec succès
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.failed=Échec de l'envoi du rapport de bug, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement.
gmod_integration.chat.missing_permissions=Vous n'avez pas la permission de faire cette action.
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_success=Authentification réussie
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_failed=Échec de l'authentification
gmod_integration.chat.server_link=, serveur lié en tant que {1}.
gmod_integration.chat.server_fail=, vérifiez votre ID et votre jeton.
gmod_integration.chat.error.screenshot_failed=Échec de la capture d'écran, votre système peut ne pas prendre en charge cette fonctionnalité.
gmod_integration.chat.screenshot.sent=Capture d'écran envoyée sur Discord.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.full=Bonjour, vous êtes sur le point de signaler un bug aux propriétaires de ce serveur.\nVeuillez fournir autant d'informations que possible pour nous aider à résoudre le problème.\nMerci de nous aider à améliorer le serveur.\n\nSi vous avez un problème avec Gmod Integration, veuillez utiliser notre serveur Discord.
gmod_integration.report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture=Fermez le menu contextuel pour prendre la capture d'écran à utiliser dans le rapport de bug.
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
gmod_integration.report_bug.title=Segnala un bug
gmod_integration.report_bug.description=Segnala un bug agli sviluppatori di questo gioco.
gmod_integration.report_bug.submit=Invia segnalazione di bug
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level=Livello di Importanza
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.dsc=Quanto è importante questo bug?
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.critical=Critico - Crash o ha reso il gioco ingiocabile.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.high=Alto - Funzionalità critica inutilizzabile.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.medium=Medio - Funzionalità importante inutilizzabile.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.low=Basso - Problema estetico.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.trivial=Trascurabile - Problema molto minore.
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce=Passaggi per Riprodurre
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result=Risultato atteso
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result=Risultato effettivo
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result.dsc=Cosa è successo effettivamente?
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result.dsc=Cosa ti aspettavi che accadesse?
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc=Fornisci una guida passo passo su come riprodurre il bug.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.dsc=Fornisci quante più informazioni possibili per aiutarci a risolvere il problema.
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.missing_fields=Prima di inviare la segnalazione del bug, compila tutti i campi richiesti.
gmod_integration.report_bug.success=Segnalazione di bug inviata con successo
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.failed=Invio della segnalazione di bug fallito, riprova più tardi.
gmod_integration.chat.missing_permissions=Non hai il permesso per eseguire questa azione.
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_success=Autenticazione riuscita
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_failed=Autenticazione fallita
gmod_integration.chat.server_link=, server collegato come {1}.
gmod_integration.chat.server_fail=, controlla il tuo ID e Token.
gmod_integration.chat.error.screenshot_failed=Impossibile catturare lo screenshot, il tuo sistema potrebbe non supportare questa funzione.
gmod_integration.chat.screenshot.sent=Screenshot inviato a Discord.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.full=Ehi, stai per segnalare un bug ai proprietari di questo server.\nFornisci quante più informazioni possibili per aiutarci a risolvere il problema.\nGrazie per averci aiutato a migliorare il server.\n\nSe hai un problema con Gmod Integration, utilizza il nostro server Discord.
gmod_integration.report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture=Chiudi il menu contestuale per fare lo screenshot da utilizzare nella segnalazione del bug.
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
gmod_integration.report_bug.title=Сообщить об ошибке
gmod_integration.report_bug.description=Сообщить об ошибке разработчикам этой игры.
gmod_integration.report_bug.submit=Отправить отчет об ошибке
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level=Уровень важности
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.dsc=Насколько важна эта ошибка?
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.critical=Критическая - Вылет или невозможность игры.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.high=Высокая - Критическая функциональность неработоспособна.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.medium=Средняя - Важная функциональность неработоспособна.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.low=Низкая - Косметическая проблема.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.trivial=Тривиальная - Очень незначительная проблема.
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce=Шаги для воспроизведения
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result=Ожидаемый результат
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result=Фактический результат
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result.dsc=Что фактически произошло?
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result.dsc=Что вы ожидали, что произойдет?
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc=Пожалуйста, предоставьте пошаговое руководство по воспроизведению ошибки.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.dsc=Пожалуйста, предоставьте как можно больше информации, чтобы помочь нам исправить проблему.
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.missing_fields=Перед отправкой отчета об ошибке, заполните все обязательные поля.
gmod_integration.report_bug.success=Отчет об ошибке успешно отправлен
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.failed=Не удалось отправить отчет об ошибке, пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз позже.
gmod_integration.chat.missing_permissions=У вас нет разрешения на выполнение этого действия.
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_success=Успешная аутентификация
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_failed=Не удалось выполнить аутентификацию
gmod_integration.chat.server_link=, сервер связан как {1}.
gmod_integration.chat.server_fail=, проверьте ваш ID и токен.
gmod_integration.chat.error.screenshot_failed=Не удалось сделать скриншот, возможно, ваша система не поддерживает эту функцию.
gmod_integration.chat.screenshot.sent=Скриншот отправлен в Discord.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.full=Привет, вы собираетесь сообщить об ошибке владельцам этого сервера.\nПожалуйста, предоставьте как можно больше информации, чтобы помочь нам исправить проблему.\nСпасибо, что помогаете нам улучшить сервер.\n\nЕсли у вас есть проблема с Gmod Integration, используйте наш сервер Discord.
gmod_integration.report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture=Закройте контекстное меню, чтобы сделать скриншот для использования в отчете об ошибке.
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
gmod_integration.report_bug.title=Hatayı bildir
gmod_integration.report_bug.description=Bu oyunun geliştiricilerine bir hata bildir.
gmod_integration.report_bug.submit=Hata Raporunu Gönder
gmod_integration.report_bug.screenshot=Ekran Görüntüsü
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level=Önem Seviyesi
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.dsc=Bu hata ne kadar önemli?
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.critical=Kritik - Çökme veya oyunun oynanamaz hale gelmesi.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.high=Yüksek - Kritik işlevsellik kullanılamıyor.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.medium=Orta - Önemli işlevsellik kullanılamıyor.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.low=Düşük - Kozmetik sorun.
gmod_integration.report_bug.importance_level.trivial=Önemsiz - Çok küçük bir sorun.
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce=Tekrar Üretme Adımları
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result=Beklenen Sonuç
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result=Gerçekleşen Sonuç
gmod_integration.report_bug.actual_result.dsc=Aslında ne oldu?
gmod_integration.report_bug.expected_result.dsc=Ne olmasını bekliyordunuz?
gmod_integration.report_bug.steps_to_reproduce.dsc=Lütfen hatayı yeniden üretmek için adım adım bir rehber sağlayın.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.dsc=Sorunu çözmemize yardımcı olmak için lütfen mümkün olduğunca fazla bilgi sağlayın.
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.missing_fields=Hata raporunu göndermeden önce lütfen tüm gerekli alanları doldurun.
gmod_integration.report_bug.success=Hata raporu başarıyla gönderildi
gmod_integration.report_bug.error.failed=Hata raporu gönderilemedi, lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin.
gmod_integration.chat.missing_permissions=Bu işlemi gerçekleştirme izniniz yok.
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_success=Başarıyla Doğrulandı
gmod_integration.chat.authentication_failed=Doğrulama Başarısız Oldu
gmod_integration.chat.server_link=, sunucu {1} olarak bağlandı.
gmod_integration.chat.server_fail=, kimlik ve token bilgilerinizi kontrol edin.
gmod_integration.chat.error.screenshot_failed=Ekran görüntüsü alınamadı, sisteminiz bu özelliği desteklemiyor olabilir.
gmod_integration.chat.screenshot.sent=Ekran görüntüsü Discord'a gönderildi.
gmod_integration.report_bug.description.full=Hey, bu sunucunun sahiplerine bir hata bildiriyorsunuz.\nSorunu çözmemize yardımcı olmak için lütfen mümkün olduğunca fazla bilgi sağlayın.\nSunucuyu geliştirmemize yardımcı olduğunuz için teşekkür ederiz.\n\nGmod Integration ile ilgili bir sorun yaşıyorsanız, lütfen discord sunucumuzu kullanın.
gmod_integration.report_bug.context_menu.screen_capture=Hata raporunda kullanılacak ekran görüntüsünü almak için bağlam menüsünü kapatın.
Reference in New Issue
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